Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Scanning Project

I finally figured out how to do this! (I'm kind of a bit retarded, and have never used a scanner before...) :) I used all of my favorite pieces of jewelry. Anything that looked like a feather, or sort of looked like one, really. I did a black and white one, and one in color. The black and white one was an accident, but I usually like those. Accidents, y'know.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Personal Landscape

Uhhh... this would be my "personal landscape". I just decided to do a scene from I dream I once had. The sky and the horse are from photos that I found on flickr, and the barn is one of my own photos. I dont know why I did it in black and white. Just felt like it. I did a couple others in color, but I guess I never got around to posting them... that's partially due to the fact that I cant seem to find my flashdrive. And partially because I am a very lazy child when it comes to the internet...and, uh....being consistent at all actually.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Photoshop Images

These are some Icons I created in photoshop. I found all of the images on flickr. The main purpose for this assignment was for us to get a grasp on the many selection tools in photoshop. I also messed around with a variety of other tools, especially the smudge and wharping tools. In the image with the zebras, I converted the background image to a black and white image. The sand castle was alot of fun and I used mainly the smudge tool to get this airbrushed, soft feeling, and to show the sand blowing away. I really like this project alot.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Roy Lichtenstein Style Self Portrait

This is the self portrait I made in Illustrator. I had to use a reference photo and use at least 4 layers in the process. The artist I chose to use as a mentor was Roy Lichtenstein, who is famous for his comic book-esque paintings in which he uses mainly primary colors with the use of bendi dots for shading, and thought/speach bubbles with text. The phrase is pretty self explanatory. Kind of.

Monday, September 29, 2008

Dog Made in Adobe Illustrator

I created this dog using Adobe Illustrator. We were provided with a base image, and created all of the overlaying shapes & whatnot on a seperate layer.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Death by Stick Figure?

Stick figures made in Adobe Illustrator. Despite the simplicity, this was fairly tedious to create.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Six Word Memoir

A six word memoir that "says something" about our personality. I'd rather sit on the floor than on a chair, so... heh-heh. Nothing too profound, sorry. The photo was taken during our first computer class. I added the text and made the photo black & white using Illustrator.